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New Actions

June 8, 2010

Hi Everyone! ^-^

This post is actually going to be more about photoshop than about actually taking pictures. I know a lot of people believe that photoshop makes photos less genuine, but I don’t think that’s true. A photo is a representation, and photoshop helps you get the picture you really wanted. =) For all the filters, and lighting tricks, and different kinds of lenses, I don’t think photoshop really makes a photo any less genuine than it already is. =P

Actions are an incredibly helpful feature to photoshop, and though I haven’t really used them for very long (like, we’re talking a couple months) I honestly can’t believe I ever edited photos without them. Now actions (for those who don’t know) are photo editing steps that have been pre-recorded in order to change a photo quickly. Every action does something a little different, and you can either record them yourself, or get actions that other people have pre-recorded.

A lot of people make very impressive actions that you can purchase of their website, but I happened to stumble across a set of free really good actions off The Pioneer Woman’s Blog.

Anyway, I was just really excited and impressed with these actions, and was even more excited that they were free! So I just wanted to share this with everyone. =)

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